Weekend Work
Been a busy week, weekend, month, year. Working on the weekends has its advantages: it’s quieter, fewer clients are working so email is less of a distraction, so that is nice also there is a shorter line at Bux and no lunch rush. But then again, working from one week straight into the next is…
Heckuva Long Week
We got a running start on this week by working all weekend last week. Then tossed in a couple of long nights, 7:00, 8:30, 9:45. Thursday we hit a morning meeting, got back to the office by 1:00pm, worked until 6:30, then went home and packed. Got in the car and drove almost 3 hours…
A weekend away…
Sounds really nice doesn’t it? How about if I tell you we went to Napa to go wine tasting with good friends? And that we would be staying in very nice hotel/spa. That’s even better! What I never would have guessed was that we would spend the weekend trying to stave off the illness that…