Category: Sick

  • Relapse

    Well, this doesn’t happen to me much. I was on the upswing from my last illness and came down with a brand new one. Being sick definately sucks, but being sick twice in 2 weeks suck more. *Cough*

  • Sickie

    I do hate being sick. The worst part is when your mind fogs up and you can’t think clearly. I did make it a whole year (technically 14 months) without being sick though, so that is something to celebrate. Here are my tips for getting over an illness as quickly as possible and trying to…

  • Under the Weather

    Well, I am climbing out from under a cold that has held me hostage for the past week. I tell you, anytime I get sick anymore, I get wiped out for at least seven days. I am sure that I am failing my immune system in some way, just not sure what it is. For…