Goodbye Scarlett
Yesterday we said goodbye to my sweet little dog. She had the best little personality and was loved by most everyone. We had some great times with that pup and she has been around since just before Christopher and I got engaged. We felt like our own little family from day one. She survived cancer…
Cute in her own way.
As I sit on the couch, typing away on my blog. Scarlett sits just to the right of me on the floor. She faces me, staring intently at my face. Every few seconds she wobbles from side to side, letting me know that she is ready to be picked up. Totally ready. Yup, I’m still…
Scaredy Dog
During the preparation of the awesome meal mentioned in the previous post we had a fun little interlude with our dog. Scarlett is a funny little critter who has a personality all her own. She is fearless when it comes to most things including people and big dogs, but there are 2 things she fears:…
To date the strangest thing I have had to wash off of my dog is…green fruit juice. Odwalla Superfood to be exact. She wiggled and I dropped the bottle on her, poor pup.
Delivering Pizza
As we were packing up to leave my parents house on New Year’s day, I got a phone call from my dear friend Timberly and she asked if we might be willing to do them a favor. Turns out she wanted us to pick up a puppy named “Pizza” from her parents house (in the…
Pin Cushion Dog
So I took Scarlett to get accupunture today. Very interesting. The needles didn’t bother her as much as the lady was doing something to her back that she couldn’t see. When we got in the car she fell asleep instantly.
Heating Pad Bliss
So I bought a heating pad for my aching back. I soon realized that I would be losing rights to it. Scarlett loves it. I put it on the floor and she immediately curled up on it pressing the side of her face into the warmth and fell asleep. Crazy little fur ball.
So Scarlett has been having respiratory irritations of sorts (in addition to the hind leg weakness fiasco). She has been having what I am told are “reverse sneezes”, odd since they are not really a sneeze and sound nothing like them. It sounds like she is snorting and and struggling to catch her breath. It…
Pathology Report
Well, I just heard from the Dr. and he says that the pathology report on the biopsy says that they did get all of the tumor, and it appeared to be of a low grade. There was no evidence of spread to the lymphnode that they removed. The report also says that it was more…
Post Op Day 6
Scarlett is doing very well. The sedatives are working wonders for our sleep…yay! She is walking pretty well even though we are really limiting her time out of the cage to just potty breaks outside. She really wants to be out of the cage, so we are taking her out to cuddle for a bit.…