Goodbye Scarlett

Yesterday we said goodbye to my sweet little dog. She had the best little personality and was loved by most everyone.

We had some great times with that pup and she has been around since just before Christopher and I got engaged. We felt like our own little family from day one. She survived cancer and a spinal defect that slowly immobilized her over the years, she was a spunky little fighter. It was fairly often that a total stranger would exclaim, “That’s the cutest dog I’ve ever seen!” In fact, it happened at the drive thru just about a month ago.

She used to burrow into the laundry basket full of warm clothes from the dryer. She would get the hiccups if you yelled at her. She loved babies and would whimper and shake with excitement when they were around. She loved the beach.

My little girl has gone on. I will miss her deeply.


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