I do hate being sick. The worst part is when your mind fogs up and you can’t think clearly. I did make it a whole year (technically 14 months) without being sick though, so that is something to celebrate.
Here are my tips for getting over an illness as quickly as possible and trying to keep your germs to yourself:
Get rest!
Drink fluids
Keep tissues nearby to sneeze and cough into
Stay in one area and try to keep your germs contained
Use hand sanitizer, before entering common areas
Take vitamin C
Take zinc
Take any meds that lessen your symptoms to save the wear and tear on your body
Eat homemade chicken soup (I have an easy recipe if you need one. I usually make a ton and freeze it.)
Drink hot decaf tea
If you have a fever, sweat it out
If you are congested, take a steam
What do you do when you’re sick?