Well, we’ve made our 3rd trip to Brazzaz in Chicago and it did not disappoint. Brazzaz is a Brazilian Barbeque restaurant. Basically, you sit down and they bring several (16, I think) different types of meat on huge skewers and carve it right onto your plate. They also have a salad bar of side dishes that are equally yummy. It’s not cheap, but it’s an all-you-can-eat extravaganza. I am, of course, stuffed.
While I love the food, this place is also great because of the good company. We always seem to meet up with some people that work for our client (often people we’ve never met before) and we just eat and talk and laugh.
I love meeting cool people. It gives me hope that all of the idiots I see on TV are not really what the world is made up of. Oh, Gerbner, what we’ve cultivated.
One response to “Brazzaz”
Unfortunately, the idiots on TV are what most of the world think that America is made up of. (A bit sad if you think about it too much.)